Jordan Promoting Her Equestrian Line of Clothing of the Day

Jordan is pretty hysterical. It’s pretty hard to hate her for milkin’ those tits, more than her retard baby did. You know, she’s managed to do so much more shit with silicone than pretty much anyone out there, she’s launched product line after product line, has had sex tapes, makes massive amounts of money, and has the public watching her every move because I guess they find her important, but this tacky line of horse products has got to be one of the ultimate jokes she’s hustled.

I don’t know too much about horseback riding, but I know that not everyone who partakes in the sport is classy, or from old money and I guess there are sluts, prostitutes, trash and farmers that like to go nuts with horses, there are probably perverted parents who like to shock the other parents, by dressing their girls up like this for horseback riding activity day with the school, and even strippers who like to dress like slutty horseback riders for their stage shows or hot date on the merry-go-round cuz they are ironic, so somehow this makes sense, just not to me.

Jordan Promoting Her Equestrian Line of Clothing of the Day March 24th, 2009