Kathy Griffin and Paris Hilton Publicity Stunt that Worked of the Day

I generally don’t discriminate when it comes to pussy, unless that pussy belongs to Kathy Griffin. There is really nothing hot about her, except maybe her fire pussy, but that’s just not enough for me. Maybe it’s because she’s ugly, but I’ve fucked ugly girls, I think it’s got more to do with her comedy, or whatever the fuck it is that she does that involves her making fun of her shitty career as a dlister and pretty much shamelessly compromise any integrity she may have left.

So she did some publicity stunt with Paris Hilton, where they went shopping, she flashed her panties and there are even pics of her in a bikini that I am not paying for, they tipped up the paparazzi, because they are both on a sinking ship and like the movie Titanic, this is them trying to hold onto the floating piece of boat while a rich fat pig of a woman doesn’t share with them and watches them freeze to death…if you know what I mean.

I don’t know what that reference was, don’t try to look into it too much motherfucker….

Here’s the video of them hanging out, I didn’t bother watching it, so I don’t know if they panty flash was caught on tape but I really hope it was….

Kathy Griffin and Paris Hilton Publicity Stunt that Worked of the Day March 26th, 2009