Music Video With a Naked Chick in It of the Day

I have no idea who DJ Rockid is, but his video is alright. It’s something all you weirdos can probably relate to, you know because if features a a naked chick, you know, the one thing in the world you want to fuck and a puppet, the one thing you’ve actually fucked. The song is garbage, the chick reminds me of some Cuban prostitute who I once slept with because she didn’t realize she wasn’t in Cuba anymore, and was affordable, unfortunately, she was also unshowered, not that it really matters, showers are for assholes who are trying to hard to fit in, make friends and get laid, you know all that superficial stuff. I figure it’s just a waste of fuckin’ time and corporate America trying to convince we need to spend billions on beauty products. You can’t fool me Corporate America…..

Music Video With a Naked Chick in It of the Day April 2nd, 2009