Some paparazzi perved out proper the other day when they were snapping off pictures of Jessica Simpson. Sure, it wasn’t as perverted as the night I was at a hipster party and kept lifting up some girl’s skirt asking to see her hipster bush, even though her gay Asian boyfriend was there and wasn’t having it, or even as perverted as intentionally going to the mall to sit on the bench next to the stairs waiting to see unsuspecting upskirts with my camera in hand, but this shit is Jessica Simpson and not the 15 year old slutty girl buying Spring Break bikinis with their slutty 15 year old friends and I guess I can’t really figure out if that is a good thing or not, but I do know it’s a more legal thing and she is lookin’ a lot better than her fat pics that hit a few months ago, mainly because there aren’t any all you can eat Texas BBQ ribs shit stains on her panties…