Lisa Rinna Playboy Pictures of the Day>

Lisa Rinna did Playboy. These are the pictures. In the event you wanted to see how she maintained her pubic hair. Even if unsure whether anything in this picture is real, it’s still better than jerking off to the Real Doll website using your rubber vagina, because the rumor is that Rinna’s rubber vagina is actually self-lubricating…

I didn’t host the pics because Playboy isn’t a fan of people doin’ that, but if they hate people posting their content, they should probably keep a closer watch on their shit. Maybe not let their employees have access to email. It’s not like I hacked into their computer to find these, or that I ever would, in fact, I think casting Rinna to do Playboy is a huge fucking mistake, she’s totally irrelevant, sure, I’m down with seeing EVERYONE naked, but if I was a big company, I’d try to go for up and coming stars or people that we actually want to see naked.

That said if I get sued over Lisa Rinna, even though I just embedded some images, that would probably be the biggest proof that I am low fucking grade.

Either way look at the pics and thanks to my good friends at for posting these 5 days ago and not bothering sending me an email to let me know about it.

Lisa Rinna Playboy Pictures of the Day April 23rd, 2009