A Little Midge Tit for the Midget Lovers of the Day

I have a friend who is obsessed with midgets. He watches midget porn. He watches that Little People Big World TV show. He talks about midgets all the fucking time. It’s actually fucking uncomfortable how much he is drawn to midgets.

I thought he was joking at first, but as months turned into years, I realized that he’s for real and he’s even saved up money from collecting cans to get his ass to Orlando for the Little People convention this year, he’s supposed to get me video, so brace yourself for good midget content.

His logic is that fuckin’ them is like fucking a 5 year old, which to me isn’t a good thing, but to him, excites him since his dick looks porno sized, and he can flip them in ways a normal sized person can’t be flipped. He also figures they don’t take up too much room so they’d fit perfectly in his studio apartment, they probably don’t eat too much, making them affordable, and the whole thing works for his modest lifestyle.

So I am posting this Debbie Lee Carrington for him, because a successful Hollywood midget is better to get off to than the local midget in leg braces with bucked teeth who he terrorizes, but can’t manage to convince to fuck…so this midget in video is the cream of the midget crop for a midget lover. Good times.

A Little Midge Tit for the Midget Lovers of the Day May 13th, 2009