Katy Perry Works the Internet of the Day

Katy Perry realized that there’s some pretty important moves one has to make when your talent is minimal, your novelty act is played out and your looks are definitely not there, and that’s be friends with the most influential internet personality, so that he gives you props whenever you ask, and those props translate into millions of little girls buying your record and tickets to your shows.

Sure, I hate that Perez is the powerhouse that he is online, but I know people he has linked to, who corporations have given record deals to, I know people with T-Shirt companies who have sold out stock becuase they were linked on his site. I know he wouldn’t have mattered had the internet not existed, or had it not gone totally mainstream, but now everyone is watching him and listening, even though he’s really got no business being where he is, but has managed to do it and have an empire built off it, when he should really just be in a back alley suckin dick, someplace his lonely self would be much happier, but whatever, who cares, what matters is this fake friendship that is so fuckin’ obvious and here are the pics of Perez loving every second because he doesn’t realize he is being used.

Lets hope it all falls apart.

Check out the video if you care….

Katy Perry Works the Internet of the Day May 14th, 2009