His Name is Gareth Southgate and this is His Vagina of the Day

This is some big shot Football Manager I’ve never heard of and the vagina he fucks and who he may possibly be married to in a bikini. His name is Gareth Southgate and I’ve never heard of him because people who kick a ball around like a bunch of pansies who can’t throw punches to get what they fuckin want and it all seems like a serious waste of fucking time, not that I do anything better, but running back and forth seems a lot like a hamster in a fucking wheel…and the only real question I have is why this guy didn’t use his money to bring a nicer lookin’ body to Barbados, leaving this one at home to take care of the kids, where she belongs.

His Name is Gareth Southgate and this is His Vagina of the Day June 1st, 2009