Paris Hilton in a White Bathing Suit Promoting Garbage of the Day

I hate Paris Hilton and I am tired of her fucking lies. She was on The View today talking about how she is doing another season of her new BFF because the last one just wanted fame, you know because she was doing a friend search in the form of a reality show, luring people who want to be on TV. Basically to justify why season two is coming, despite being the same fucking garbage it was the first time around, and I don’t know why people care or why she has a career.

Other highlights of the interview were that she already knows what she is naming her kids, she has never been happier in her life, except for last year when she read the same script about the Good Charlotte dude, she may get married and she’s refined her speaking to not sound like a 15 year old faggot with a dick in his mouth.

The whole thing was offensive, but I guess that’s just what Paris does, and here she is in a bathing suit promoting some hair product bullshit.

Paris Hilton in a White Bathing Suit Promoting Garbage of the Day June 1st, 2009