Ginger Spice Sitting in Cars in Dresses of the Day

I wrote an unispired post on Ginger Spice in a bikini yesterday, so here’s the follow-up uninspired post of her in a dress in a car. The only thing we can learn from this bitch is if you get your start by being a nude model or stripper, you may just end up a Spice Girl with more money to do with 15 years later, so next time a girl drops the whole “I’d send nudes but….” follow-up with that, cuz it’s a proven fact that chicks who take naked pics of themselves have more chances becoming famous than girls who keep that shit in lockdown, maybe because of a confidence it takes in being naked, taking a naked pic and sending it off, but I think it just has to do with dudes liking naked bitches.


Ginger Spice Sitting in Cars in Dresses of the Day June 9th, 2009