Hayden Panettiere’s Hips Don’t Lie of the Day

Here is Hayden Panettiere and her weird looking hips, that I guess look like that because she doesn’t have enough leg to support her needs, so she’s busting out sideways, cuz it’s the only way to go. So she’s short, stalky and not really a girl I’d want to get with, unless I was touring with a circus, and she was the only realy pussy other thatn the bearded lady on the fuckin’ bus, so we are all forced to pass this bitch around, you know it’s lonely as a carni and you make do with what you’re given, not that I’ve ever been in a circus, or really turned down midget pussy, but sometimes it is nice to pretend.

Hayden Panettiere’s Hips Don’t Lie of the Day June 10th, 2009