Alicia Douvall and Her Nutty Tits of the Day

Some really fat chick who was wearing a push-up bra to counterbalance her gut, I know this shit because I watch the Oprah bikinis for everyboday episode as often as I can, just said hi to me when I was taking my dog outside to take a little pee, cuz I am tired of him pissing on my pillow while I am sleeping, I figure breathing that shit in isn’t good for me, and I got really spooked, not so much because of the way this monster, her cleavage looked, or even from the obvious fear and suffering both the shorts she squeezed into and the kid she was holding hands with had on their faces, but because people are so self absorbed these days and so paranoid, they just don’t say hi to strangers, unless they are yachting or on the Golf course so that you can be certain you are dealing with someone in your class bracket, but randomly on the street just doesn’t happen, unless of course you’re dealing with a fat chick lookin’ for a husband to take care of her and her baggage and I’m already playin’ that game and it sucks.

Sure, that has nothing to do with Ailicia Douvall, but bitch is like a stranger to me, cuz I’ve never heard of her, but now that I’ve seen her stupid tits, I’d like to say hi and for some reason I regret no hitting up a stripclub last night.

Here are the pics, today is about to start.

Alicia Douvall and Her Nutty Tits of the Day June 12th, 2009