Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Lookin’ Old of the DAy

There’s something really not magical about aging. If anything shit is pretty fucking depressing. There’s that whole closer to death bullshit, that gets me every birthday that comes and goes, but I’m more concerned about the death of someone’s sex appeak.

I know so many dudes who were in love with this bitch when she was comin’ up, they would talk about how she was the hottest pussy in Hollywood, they’d go on about her slammin’ tits, which would be interesting, if tits weren’t just a mechanism for closet case dudes to re-assure themselves by obsessing over tits that they aren’t gay, but there was always something about her that didn’t interest me and now that she’s older, sloppier and rugged, she’s really something about her that doesn’t interest me and I can pinpoint exactly what it is.

Here are the boring pics for those of you unable to move the fuck on.

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Lookin’ Old of the DAy June 15th, 2009