Amy Winehouse is in her Sports Bra of the Day

I love watching dogs sniff women’s pussies. I used to know this half retarded/half psycho kid who trained his dog to sniff pussy and when the dog would do it to strangers, he’d point and scream shit like “you’re on the rag” and shit like that and I’d always get a laugh as the elderly woman, who clearly wasn’t on the rag walked away in confusion, but a little flattered that someone would suggest she wasn’t a dried up old cunt.

In these pictures the dogs are chasing Winehouse and it is not because she has her period, or because that weird dude trained them to do it, but because she smells like rotting flesh and dog’s love rotting meat and apparently with the kind of women I can seduce (afford), so do I.

So here’s some Winehouse in her bikini top showing the world how she maintains her trim figure with exercise because she’s a fuckin’ athlete in athletic apparel and not by being a drug addict…

Amy Winehouse is in her Sports Bra of the Day June 24th, 2009