Mariah Carey Cross Dressin’ of the Day

For those of you who really love dick but can’t admit it to yourself because of the implications it will have with your family, friends and even your co-workers because gay is still not something you’re willing to accept and prefer staying on the “Tranny Porn Fetish fence on, so you slowly satisfy your needs by dating ugly butch girls with facial hair, who you try to surprise with a sailor costume, or even a construction worker costume, or some other Village People shit, trying to play it off as being something fun and exciting to do and totally not sexual, until your plan goes to hell when you try to slip her into the strap-on dildo you’ve been holding onto for her to use on you for months, this one’s for you.

If you are wondering, it is Mariah Carey dressed on set of her new music video as a dude who had botox and a weak chin.

Here she is as a woman…..with some tits….

Mariah Carey Cross Dressin’ of the Day June 30th, 2009