Rihanna is a Robot of the Day

If reading this site is as boring as writing it, I feel bad for you for constanly coming back, hoping that maybe things will change, that I’ll get inspired and that I won’t be repetitive, even though pictures of celebrities get fucking borin, you know same people, doing the same thing, wearing different clothes, on fuckin’ repeat, like groundhog day without the funny or “Instant Classic” appeal or the groundhog, making me sit down and reflect on the fact that I should be wherever Rihanna is sticking my fingers inside her, and not sitting here writing about her lookin’ like a robot I wanna fuck, because robots don’t get fat, talk back or ruin my fuckin’ life on all fuckin’ fronts, whether it’s lecturing me about drinking too much, or lecturing me about fuckin’ other chicks, or lecturing me to get a fuckin’ job, unless the robots go crazy on some world takeover, like we livin’ in a Will Smith movie, but that shit’s too Sci-Fi for me to think about, I’ll leave that to you, because Sci-Fi is all you know…

Rihanna is a Robot of the Day June 30th, 2009