Kylie Minogue Performs in Madrid of the Day

Kylie Minogue had breast cancer and now she’s not wearing pants. It’s on some Madonna and Lady Gaga kick that’s far less disgusting, because unlike Madonna and Lady Gaga, Kylie Minogue is worth fucking, even now, years after her peak and years after her breast cancer, that may or may not have left her breastless, not that mastectomy tits are really a roadblock, because as long as there’s vagina, I’m good to go.

Either way, here she is performing like she never had a brush with death and disappeared to appreciate life or whatever it is people do when they see the end and are convinced they were given a second chance and feel the need to preach to everyone they meet about how their priorities have shifted trying to shove it down our throats like we give a fuck…

Kylie Minogue Performs in Madrid of the Day July 6th, 2009