Beyonce Makes Her Homo Fan Say Her Name Twice of the Day

So Beyonce makes a gay fan at her concert say her name twice before throwing him a dirty towel at him pretty much giving the motherfucker an orgasm, which was a nice change from what he got last time he had an orgasm, which was AIDS, you know it is the gay disease.

I just don’t think I have ever liked anyone enough to want to touch their sweaty towel, or rags or really anything used on thier body, especially when it comes from Beyonce. The whole thing grosses me out and is not hygienic at all, and despite being a filthy motherfucker I don’t want to deal with other people’s filth, unless it involves me eating used tampons, but that’s just a fetish really…

Beyonce Makes Her Homo Fan Say Her Name Twice of the Day July 20th, 2009