Ready to Drop Sluts Bump into Each Other of the Day

I always find it funny when I see pregnant girls standing together, not because of all the bitching and complaining and moaning about how they are retaining water, how they are craving weird foods, or any of that other moody shit that goes on with pregnant chicks, but because I like identifying the bitches who don’t used contraceptives and who don’t believe in abortion so that I can warn my friends to stay the fuck away from them when their perfect little family lives fall apart and they are left with nothing but a broken home, kids they don’t want and a shittier body than when they started this whole baby making bullshit. I also like the farting and the talking about various gyno experiences, but that’s just because I like all things vagina, even if the fuckin’ thing is on it’s last legs, I mean that’s the whole reason I cruise the cancer ward in the hospital…..

Ready to Drop Sluts Bump into Each Other of the Day July 24th, 2009