Gretchen Rossi in a Bikini of the Day

Here she is in some shitty staged pics you’d expect to see in a shitty brochure for a shitty hotel that you would only stay at if you were like me and broke as shit but backed into the corner when your fat wife bitches about how you never take her anywhere because spending alone time with her is a fate worth than fucking death…you know the kind of picture you’d then see on shitty postcards and shitty hepatitis pamphlets they hand out to vacationers in Mexico, because she is a stock photo star some photographer took a pic of and sold to every low level asshole who needed a picture of a twat in a bikini, but at least she has a nice body, even if her bullshit career is as bullshit as the quality of these bullshit staged shots….you know with being on Real Housewives of Orange County and having paparazzi take pics of her with her fake TV boyfriend, thus contributing to why I hate the fucking world…

And Here she is in some staged pictures of her workin’ out, not because her life is bullshit, but because she is a good person who wants to show the fat chicks how she gets that body worth fuckin’ all while rockin’ a stupid grin on her face I’d like to fuck right off of her…..

Gretchen Rossi in a Bikini of the Day July 27th, 2009