Katy Perry and Her Stupid Sense of Humor of the Day

I hate Katy Perry, even though she’s letting us all know she’s a fuckin’ joker and this whole career and success based on a song she wrote when she was trying to get her boyfriend off during phone sex was just another one of her jokes, that went misunderstood, and went huge, and made her big fucking money, some kind of fuckin’ the system scam I’d normally be a fan of, but there’s just something about her face that makes me want to piss on it like she was a girl in a stairwell last week, and I was my friend who had to pee.

Here she is getting a tattoo and tricking the paparazzi into thinking it was a Josh Grobin tattoo on her tit, while really it was a dolphin on her ankle in honor of the real girls who like kissing girls that made her rich exploiting their lifestyle…

Katy Perry and Her Stupid Sense of Humor of the Day July 28th, 2009