Rihanna’s Nipple Pasties Ruins My Fun of the Day

I was talking to a guy from Barbados about Rihanna, since she’s Barbados pride and joy and everyone knows everyone there, so his friends were friends with some of her friends and he told me that when she comes back home she stays at the single most exclusive resort on the island, she doesn’t stay back in the shanty with her family, it’s like bitch forgot where she came from and is too good for them or some shit.

It turns out she’s too good for showing us her tit, because she’s gone so far as to not wear a bra in a see thru shirt but decides to wear nipple pasties so none of us perverts can see what’s goin’ down.

Cunt. If it wasn’t for singing, she’d be selling blowjobs to tourists and not even the tourists who stay at the luxurious resort she stays at, I’m talking tourists who stay in the bottom feeder hotels, so bitch needs to get some perspective….and here are the pics…

Rihanna’s Nipple Pasties Ruins My Fun of the Day July 29th, 2009