I am not too sure if Taylor Swift’s got her period yet because she’s supposed to be some kind of virgin icon to little girls everywhere, but she’s definitely taking the safety procautions in the event that she does by rockin’ a pair of red shorts. I guess it’s normal when you’re the only girl out of your friends who hasn’t got it yet, it makes you feel inadequate and undeveloped, especially with your string bean body, where you tower over all the other girls.
You know the constant wondering why God is unfair to you every morning when you excitedly check to see if you’ve been spotting, you know if it came to you in the night, because the boys stupidly only like girls who have their periods and big tits, because they don’t realize those girls who have their periods can get teenage pregnant and those big tits are going to be fat as fuck in a few years.
Either way here are her “virgin” legs on set of some movie in some shorts and she’s really not that interesting to look at..maybe she should join the volleyball team…I feel like that’s where she belongs….