Vanessa Hudgens and Her Whore Legs of the Day

So I was looking at the Vanessa Hudgens nude pics and wonder what genetic fuck up happened to make her nipples that big and shiny. So I hit up my expert racist who can spot any fuckin’ ounce of another breed of human so as to stay as far the fuck away from them as possible and this is what she discovered….

Ethnicity: Filipino, Chinese, and Latina (from her mother) and Irish and American Indian (from her father)

That doesn’t seem like a possible mix of human, it’s just too fuckin’ random and dirty and it is more like she was made in a mad scientists lab than some mutt’s uterus….and that mad scientists lab belonged to Disney.

Here are her whore legs….cuz she’s a whore….at least based on her nude pics she released as a publicity stunt and threatened to sue every site.

Vanessa Hudgens and Her Whore Legs of the Day August 11th, 2009