Britney Spears’ Thick Neck in a Bikini of the Day

There are a few disgusting things about Britney, none quite as disgusting as the girl I met in a stairwell who ate her own period, but pretty fucking close. When I look at her thick neck, I think of a man who works out too much so that he is the best topless pit dancer in the all night gay afterparty, and despite popular belief, that thought doesn’t usually come to mind when I see a chick in a bikini….

When I look at her ass, I can’t help but pull some Good Will Hunting shit and figure that at 27 years 6 Months old, she’s been alive for over 10,000 days, on average she probably has taken at least one shit everyday, to balance out the days she’s been constipated, I can only imagine she’s had multiple shit days, and above all that, she’s not known for being the girl with the best diet, so it’s safe to say at least half those shits were vile, you know the kind you walk in on in a public bathroom that make you fucking gag, wondering what the fuck happened to the person who made this mess and trying to decide whether or not you should try to find him and take him to the hospital because it is the right thing to fuckin’ do.

When I look at her pussy, I can’t help but remember K-Fed and his potent sperm, the pregnancy, the 2 babies, the tampon string, the period stained clothes, the sweating, the pussy shot, the period of time where she didn’t wash and the times my wife had a yeast infection and I’d go down on her, only to come up coughing and puking insisting she sort her Britney Spears Pussy Out….because Britney Spears became a synonymn for vile fuckin’ cunt…..

So no matter how hot Britney may look in a bikini, or how much she’s cleaned herself up, I just can’t bring myself to lovin’ her unconditionally, cuz she’s got too much baggage I just can’t forget about…

Here she is in a pink bikini…..cuz I guess her rancid cunt burnt a hole in the other one….She’s at the Ritz Carlton…I guess that means she’s classy….or at least classy enough to not walk around with her pussy lips exposed…

Britney Spears’ Thick Neck in a Bikini of the Day August 17th, 2009