Politician Disses a Chick of the Day

I don’t follow American politics or really any politics because the government annoys me, especially after meeting a chick in a bar who is an event coordinator for one event that the government puts on once a year and gets paid 150,000 dollars a year and travels from country to country to see how the rest of the world put on their similiar events, staying in expensive hotels with expense accounts on top of the insane amount of money she already makes and bitch was laughin at me about it, cuz even she thought it was too fuckin good to be true, reminding me that taxpayers pay for that shit and I don’t really hang in circles where government employees hang out meaning hundreds of people probably have it better than this girl who thought she was scammin the world…when she was actually scammin’ all of you…

That said, this republican congressman made me laugh when talking to a woman who compared Obama to Hitler, cuz everyone knows she should be comparing him to Denzel Washington and because Hitler was less into healthcare and more into ripping people out of their homes with none of their possessions and sent to camps where they were tortured, tested on, and killed….a little less dramatic than introducing healthcare to a people who don’t like healthcare…….

Politician Disses a Chick of the Day August 20th, 2009