Annalynne McCord in Some Stupid “Dominatrix” Outfit of the Day

Here is Annalynne McCord still pretending she’s famous, you know milking her career and her tits for all she can, because she probably doesn’t realize she is just a one-hit-wonder, but the rest of us do.

I love that she’s walking around with a pen that I’m sure she never leaves her house with, because this taste of fame is her childhood dream playing out and she couldn’t miss up the opportunity to sign random things like people fuckin’ cared.

She is so fucking clueless that she’s even got some sort of finger protector, I guess cuz she assumes that just that many people will be asking her for an autograph, because she doesn’t realize no one cares.

You see, all the interest in her has got to her fuckin head because this is the kind of postive reinforcement that she thinks she deserves. I assume that she has been told how pretty and talented she is all her life, you know the prize pig of the small town community she grew up in, making the reality check that’s coming so exciting because motherfuckers will stop caring and it will all come crashing down and that’s far more enjoyable that her weak attempt at a dominatrix outfit with corset and leather bra, because I guess everything she does is weak.

Pics Via PacificCoastNews and Fame

Annalynne McCord in Some Stupid “Dominatrix” Outfit of the Day September 2nd, 2009