Mila Jovovich Naked in Purple Magazine of the Day

Nudity for art has got me laid at least once, sure the art was the art of prostitution, but it counts. I don’t pull the whole “come to my photography studio, I have a vision for you” bullshit, I don’t pull the whole “I’m a starving artist pervert who looks homeless because my art means more to me than getting a real job and I happen to sketch naked bitches to pay the little rent in the apartment I pretty much squat in”, but I do pull the whole “you like suckin dick? Do you think you’re good at it? Your missing teeth although disgusting on my dick, probably feel amazing, maybe as good as a masterpiece theater performance, here’s 5 dollars you crack addicted whore, now show me your god given talent that you’ve refined over the years, that’s right, it is like fuckin’ poetry to me, as I watch that cold sore throb so close to my dick head, it brings up so many emotions, I feel like I’ve been to hell and back, and I pretty much have”……

Here are some pics of some fashion magazine peddling smut, only instead of embracing the fact that they are porn and their models are whores, they’ve sold million dollar advertisers to pay the whores who model in their covert porn magazine, and today’s whore is new mother Mila Jovovich…..showing off some nubby breast feeding nipples and bush and the whole thing almost gave me a boner….except for the whole mom part…..

Mila Jovovich Naked in Purple Magazine of the Day September 8th, 2009