Sophie Monk’s Dumpy Ass in Sweatpants of the Day

Sophie Monk still hasn’t been deported even though I think her time here is up and that her true calling working in the Outback of Australia picking up Kangaroo shit is a much better idea for her, at least based on how shitty her ass looks in these sweatpants, because this mess doesn’t belong on TV. She really looks a whole lot of sloppy and I figure if you’re out wearing sweatpants that on their own make you look like a slob who has given up on life like me, you better have a hot fucking ass to make it seem like it is ok. I’m done with this bitch, send her fuckin’ home….

Pics via INFpoto

Sophie Monk’s Dumpy Ass in Sweatpants of the Day September 22nd, 2009