Shanna Moakler in a See Thru Shirt With Her Publicist of the Day

Shanna Moakler is walking around with a whore name Lizzie Grubman. Lizzie Grubman is a PR person. Meaning she spins celebrity stories and stages celebrity stunts all in efforts to keep the media talking about them, or doing damage control when they don’t want the media talking about them, which for a PR person is pretty much never. So it was only natural that this vile Playmate dressed for the fuckin’ occassion at the request of Grubman, because a see thru shirt means people will notice them, even though you’d think Grubman would want to pretend she doesn’t represent or interact with bottom feeding trash celebs in hopes of signing with actual celebs, but I guess it’s a recession after-all and she takes whatever she can get…especially when she looks like bottom feeding piece of trash whore….

Pics via INFpoto

Shanna Moakler in a See Thru Shirt With Her Publicist of the Day September 23rd, 2009