Rosa Acosta and Tammy Torres Behind the Scenes of their 2010 Calendar of the Day

Rosa Acosta is one of those pieces of gutter trash girls who I guess is in Hip Hop videos or some shit because I’ve been hearing her name a lot all because she’s got a stupid fuckin’ ass. It turns out she’s got a friend named Tammy Torres who is equally gutter trash who also has a crazy ass and since I was drinking til 6 am, this is an easy post for my hangover because I like ass, even if it’s on girls who the rest of them reminds me of whores at a bad 80s heavy metal show. They are shooting a 2010 Calendar because I guess their target market are really into Calendars because keeping track of dates is really important when you’re street hustlin’ and have 3 different blackberries, one for your baby momma to call you, one for your jump offs to call you and the other for bidness…..

Rosa Acosta and Tammy Torres Behind the Scenes of their 2010 Calendar of the Day September 30th, 2009