Everyone was so excited when this bitch did a sex scene with Megan Fox, like they were going to see two hot chicks making out and they whole thing annoyed me because I thought it was a pretty weak cry for attention. Seriously, every interview with this girl was about her kissing Megan Fox and if she liked it like she was Katy Perry and based on these pics, Seyfried looks just like the lesbian I just saw hopping off her bike in ripped jeans and plain wearing a beanie outside the health food store to buy vegan supplements and a menstrual cup because tampons are so bad for you and your period offers great nutrients for your plans. The kind of lesbian who studies philosophy, enjoys tea and only eats a raw diet or pussy but only if it still has bush, because that’s nature’s fucking way…so I really don’t get what the big deal about this bitch was…but I guess it was good for her career….and here she is in some pretty stupid shorts.
Pics via Bauer