American Idol Chick I Wanted to Fuck of the Day

I watched American Idol for one season, not because I liked it, but because I had nothing else to do on Thursdays night, since it was back when I was working and didn’t have the luxury of going to the bar til 5 am like I do on Thursdays now.

I got really into the competition, not a moment I was proud of, but I’d sit their in excitement wondering if Ruben Studdard was going to die of a heart attack or if he would just eat all the other contestents to win by default, in a fuck the vote cuz I’ve got the hunger and appetite to win kind of way.

The only pussy on the show that I remember on the show was Clay Aiken’s and this rocker whore, so needless to say before she got eliminated she was the only one I could really fantasize about my cock being the mic and when she got kicked off, I was just left with Clay and he’s not really my type..

Either way, she’s not as dead as her career is and here’s the proof.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

American Idol Chick I Wanted to Fuck of the Day October 22nd, 2009