Hayden Panettiere Picture of the Day

Here’s a little advice that comes direct from the editor’s desk at Elle for the trannies, the fat chicks and the ugly chicks who are using online dating sites to lure new unsuspecting cock.

Learn how to use photoshop proper, become a fucking expert because a good picture of yourself is your best weapon in reaching orgasm from another person or at least getting a motherfucker to come meet you.

I understand there is a fear of backlash, that your pictures may have lied, but it’s better that the pictures are of yourself and not of your hot friend, cuz when 4 am on a Friday rolls around, the time of night perfect to meet your online dating boyfriend, because they are ready to fuck you since they never met you, and are usually drunk somotherfuckeer will accept an uglier version of the picture they fell for, and will just get weirded out by meeting a totally different person….

Thanks for the demonstration Hayden.

Hayden Panettiere Picture of the Day November 5th, 2009