Remember When People Thought Claire Danes was Hot of the Day

Claire Danes is one of those girls who I always thought was ugly, but everyone else thought was so fucking hot. When she was in My So Called Life, I was surrounded by girls who wanted to be her, girls who would dress like her, guys who thought she was hot and I’d look at her masculine breasts and ask myself why….I’d wonder if there was something wrong with me, was I gay for not thinking her busted up face and low level of female hormones was hot….because the media wanted me to think she was hot…but then I got over it and realized it was all marketing and everyone else was just drinking the fucking Kool Aid, so here she is today, lookin as unattractive as always, only now I have a deep rooted hatred for her for making me think I was gay for a day back in ’93….

Pics via Fame

Remember When People Thought Claire Danes was Hot of the Day November 6th, 2009