Behati Prinsloo Bikini Bike Photoshoot of the Day

These pictures came out a few days ago, I didn’t notice them, becaue Victoria’s Secret has been throwing so much immigrant pussy at us the last few weeks, it’s hard to stay on top of the shit. I’ve never heard of Behait Prinsloo but her name is pretty funny to say, especially when imagining her titties bouncing on her bike and imagining my face as the seat or even better imagining sniffing the seat after seeing her lock the shit up outside an ice cream shop or restaurant she biked to this fine friday afternoon, something I have done in the past pretty much every time I see hot girls getting off their bikes and giving me a window of opportunity, because I am all about taking advantage of all opportunities presented to me, and when else would I get the chance to smell their sweaty pussy, it’s not like they’re throwing the shit at me…..

And here are the pics….

Pics via INF

Behati Prinsloo Bikini Bike Photoshoot of the Day November 20th, 2009