Rebecca from Full House Doing Yoga Cameltoe of the Day

Why couldn’t these be pictures of Kimmy Gibbler? You know the disgusting neighbor from Full House who I always wondered what she looked like naked because I figured she put out based on the insecurities of being the ugliest bitch on the show.

I always wondered if her pussy was as vile as her face and if work in entertainment for someone so ugly eventually dry up forcing her to take on sucking my dick for coke, or would she end up like that ugly actors before her, who found a career being the ugly person in the movies like Rhea Perlman, the mom in Goonies and Hayden Panettiere…..

But instead these are pictures of Becky from Full House, the hot aunt we all wanted to fuck because that’s why they cast her, and sure wanting to fuck the hot chick is acceptable, despite being obvious, and despite actually fucking the hot chick is boring as fuck cuz hot chicks put in no effort as they know they are too hot to be fucking you, or passed out in the ditch and don’t know your dick is inside them, pretty much trying to overshadow my Kimmy Gibbler accessible pussy dreams, because accessible pussy try harder and appreciate that you are fucking them because if they were you, they wouldn’t be fucking themselves, even though you are fat, hairy, herpes ridden and stink…..

So despite how meaty and abused Becky from Full House’s pussy looks in these tight yoga pants…because she had to get famous somehow or maybe because she’s had kids….it’s still good enough for you TGIF watching perverts to relive the glory days of ’89 and jerk off to this shit….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Rebecca from Full House Doing Yoga Cameltoe of the Day November 23rd, 2009