Shakira Seduces Santa Cuz She’s a Whore of the Day

Here’s a video someone shot of Shakira from up close at the lighting of the tree in New York last night. She’s singing Santa Baby, probably the most erotic Christmas Carol because she’s an immigrant whore and as an immigrant whore the only way to get ahead is to use her sex appeal, or whatever she has left of it, because people don’t realize that she’s pushing 40. I think she may have confused the American concept of Santa, cuz the last fat guy with a white beard and a red suit named Santiego was a coke dealer she used to date as a teen growin up in Columbia, cuz he’d buy her everything she wanted…

Either way, I figure if you look close enough you can see her pussy definition, maybe a little ass cheek, definite rockin’ the mic like the cock she used to sing into as she was comin’ up early on in her career and conveniently her midget legs are cut out of the frame making her as close to perfection as she gets…

Shakira Seduces Santa Cuz She’s a Whore of the Day December 3rd, 2009