Shauna Sand and her New Pussy of the Day

Shauna Sand’s kids are going to be really fucked up when they are older. Either they’ll be trashier, sluttier and more disgusting than her in a following their mother’s lead, or they’ll end up lesbians, or they’ll be the total opposite of their whore mother and won’t let a motherfucker inside them until they are 45 years old, the kind of girl who wears pants and a sweater to the beach, fat and useless from emotional eating like some kind of rape victim, because here is their mother with yet another man she got from the long-haired immigrant trying to get ahead escort agency and I guess we can only hope she doesn’t film another sex tape with this guy like she did with the last guy because as amazing as it was to see her hanging on as hard as she could, her pussy was pretty fucking disgusting and took away from the excitement of the bottom feeding….

Pics via Fame

Shauna Sand and her New Pussy of the Day December 7th, 2009