Rihanna Pussy Grab in GQ of the Day

I guess the whole bitch getting beat by her man because her cunt ass deserved it is drying up for this bottom feeding immigrant cunt because she’s decided to start slutting herself a lot more than she ever has. I guess the whole lady Gaga retardedness intimidates Rihanna and now she’s gotta step the fuck up. So she’s been showing her nipples every chance she gets, and the only reason I’m complaining is because she’s fat and used up now and the days of seeing her as the manifestation of your Caribbean vacation chambermaid fetish without having to fly all the way to the Caribbean and without the whole fucking and gettin the Caribbean AIDS…

Either way, she tried to sex it up for GQ and it’s pretty fucking boring, but at least she’s covering her pussy, I hear the photographer put her in this stance cuz he couldn’t take the Roti stench…..

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Rihanna Pussy Grab in GQ of the Day December 15th, 2009