Courtney Love Nipples in a See Thru Shirt of the Day

I have an internet love affair with Courtney Love, at least I did, before everything went to shit and she lost custody of her kid for mudering her husband. She used to write craziness and at one point was actually following me, making me want to do nothing more that fuck the scabs off her pussy, but unfortunately, she shut off twitter and now my direct line to her is no more, I guess making her the one who got away, but luckily there are plenty of crackwhores who look and probably smell identical to this bitch, pretty much making her only good for her Kurt Cobain money….

For some reason she was asked to do this photoshoot, and lucky for me, she was showing off nipple

Courtney Love Nipples in a See Thru Shirt of the Day December 17th, 2009