Pink’s Manly Tit in Concert of the Day

I make fun of Pink for her manly features all the fucking time, but the truth is I like her songs, I like her voice, it is almost angelic, but I’m only saying that because a bitch in a tight dress named Angel who I accidentally brought home one night, despite her raspy voice and adam’s apple, tied me to the bed one night and sang me lullabyes before making me suck on her pacifier, which actually turned out to be a massive cock. It wasn’t a high point in my life, but I kinda got in over my head, kinda like what happened with Pink’s costume designer, who came up with this concept without realizing she’d stick to it by sticking on pasties, and the whole gender bending weirdness is too much for me to really appreciate, if anything it just confuses me, but tit is tit even if tit is on a muscular mound attached to someone who may or may not have testicles…

Pics via INF

Pink’s Manly Tit in Concert of the Day December 18th, 2009