Lindsay Lohan and Her Sister in their Bathing Suits of the Day

There was a time Lohan was desperate enough to answer my text messages and emails. Those days are long gone and it hurts my feelings that she didn’t have the decency to break up with my, she just stopped answering me and it makes jerking off to her a very sad experience, but after lookin’ at these pics, it may not be because I’m emotionally shaken by being dropped, but more to do with how she looks. I’d still do her though…just putting that out there in case she’s desperate for a fat old man’s limp pathetic dick, I figure with the whole lesbian shit, a dick that looks like a clit would be a solid transition back to taking cock….here she is with her sister….

Lindsay Lohan is So Fancy Trying on Luis Vuiton Bathing Suits….that I hope the Store Burns before Another Bitch Slides into the shit….

Lindsay Lohan is Still Confindent Enough to Wear a 2 Piece…Kinda Like that Sloppy Ex-Hooker Who Pretty Much Gave Up on Life and No Longer has any Shame….and I Like it….because she’s not fat…and I hate fat chicks…

Pics via Bauer

Pics via INF

Lindsay Lohan and Her Sister in their Bathing Suits of the Day January 4th, 2010