Kim Kardashian Hides Her Fat Belly of the Day

Kim Kardashian sells tweets on twitter to a diet company for 10,000 dollars a tweet. They probably advertise on her website, maybe on her show, and pretty much have an endorsement deal with her, but what I don’t understand is why anyone would buy diet supplements from a fat chick, doesn’t that just mean shit doesn’t work and that you are pissing your money down the toilet? Wasn’t this the whole Anna Nicole Smith scandal with Trimspa diet pills that may or may not have killed her but at least made her good coin in the final months of her life…it just doesn’t make sense to me…I mean even Kardashian knows she’s fat, notice how she’s covering her gunt in every fucking picture with her oversized purse strategicially selected for this purpose…maybe a fast food company should sponsor her with the slogan “eat here, get fat, but that won’t stop black guys from mounting you”,proving yet again that celebrities are fucking idiots but the companies who throw their money at them are even worse..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Kim Kardashian Hides Her Fat Belly of the Day January 6th, 2010