Katy Perry’s Shitty Body of the Day

Katy Perry has the body that only a homo could like and by the looks of her gut, it looks like her homo may have liked her a little too much, cuz bitch has got to be pregnant. I know Katy Perry has a history of being fat and awkward looking, and I know that no one cares about how she finally successfully tricked a motherfucker with no taste to drop load in her and have it stick, but I never turn down the chance to check out a pregnant girls ass. There are a few reason why pregnant chicks are better than non pregnant chicks and those reasons are – if you fuck her you can’t get her pregnant since she’s already been done, you don’t have to deal with her bullshit cuz she’ll take that home to her baby daddy and most importantly her titties swell, along with the rest of her, but if you get her in the first trimester, she just looks like she had too much to eat at the Chinese buffet…

Either way, here’s some Pregnant Katy Perry bullshit pictures….on this, the most Romantic weekend of the year, that is also the most depressing weekend of the year, and the weekend that bedding pussy is the easiest of the year….

Pics via Bauer

Katy Perry’s Shitty Body of the Day February 12th, 2010