I love my bitches skinny. I think with this whole obesity outbreak in America is disgusting as fuck and seeing a girl with an old school eating disorder, and not the kind of eating disorder my wife has that leaves the buffet owner crying in the corner after she wipes him out of fried chicken, but the kind of eating disorder where a bitch is lightheaded, dizzy with terrible breath and rotting teeth from when girls starve themselves or make themselves puke, is fucking hot…cuz not only are they too weak to run away from you, but they are also fun to get naked…while fat chicks like my wife are only good for paying your fucking rent cuz they are too scared you’ll leave them at a time in their life that they know no one else would ever step up and takeover the role of “cock giver”….so girls like Nadine Coyle and her weight loss needs to be celebrated
Pics via PacificCoastNews