Erykah Badu Public Texan Nudity Story of the Day

Erykah Badu did a publicity stunt to remind people who Erykah Badu is and pretended it was some bigger socially aware experiment about loving her body or some other bullshit she’s trying to spin the fact that she got naked for media attention in a very public square where JFK got killed by the Republicans. I am posting this because despite not finding Erykah Badu, a mom of 4 hot, I still love public nudity for whatever reason and want to see her pussy. So if any of the racist redneck Texans took the time to put their guns in their holsters and pull out one of them there digital cameras to film the shit….send it my way…or at least let me know if she shaves or goes natural…

Now back to real updates….

Erykah Badu Public Texan Nudity Story of the Day April 1st, 2010