Miranda Kerr Ass in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Miranda Kerr is a bikini model, so she gets paid to wear bikinis. The whole thing makes no sense to me, because I am happy to see any bitch in a bikini, she doesn’t need to really know how to pose, she just has to be wearing the shit, but I’m not really complaining, because without bikini models, everyday girls wouldn’t put the effort into going to the gym and trying to get that bikini body they see in the magazines and catalogs and everyone would be slobby fat chicks…..

Sure seeing her with the shit untied and jacked up her ass is pretty fucking amazing, but it’s the same old boring shit, I’d rather see her model her bikini spread eagled with the shit hanging out of her gaping cunt, but that’s just me….

Miranda Kerr Ass in a Bathing Suit of the Day April 14th, 2010