Britney Spears and her Tits Drink Coke of the Day

I just met a woman who smelled like a welfare check, or maybe it was a food stamp, or it could have just been poverty, and she reminded me of Britney Spears…..not because everyone in the area knows her from seeing her pussy, or even because she had a weird uneducated accent, a couple fatherless kids, nicotine stained fingers, saggy tits and low grade stripper trying to pay her baby formula body….but because she was not only on the Britney Spears stained clothes fashion program or the Britney Spears not showering hygiene prograb, but because she was on the Britney Spears diet plan cuz she was trying to tell me about how she drinks 6 cans of coke a day, but not the diet shit that causes cancer, the real coke and like she’s ordering a cup of coffee puts extra sugar in the shit….and then she demonstrated the shit like a fucking junky who would be better off doing real drugs, but in her defense a toothless mouth is a solid investment in her line of work….

Either way, here’s some Britney in some tight shirt showing off ghetto tit getting paid to drink coke.

Pics via Fame

Britney Spears and her Tits Drink Coke of the Day April 29th, 2010