I do it all for the Crazy Birdman of the Day

This was just emailed to me. It is a video of a crazy man and his family of pigeons and I figured I’d post it for you, cuz this kind of behavior inspires me. There’s no fun in being normal and if you ever find yourself all alone and down on your luck, just put some stale bread in your hood and pockets and step into a public place with pigeons. You’ll get all the love you ever fucking need.

It’s the crazy people who remind me that everything is gonna be ok whether it is in a “thank god I’m not that guy” or “if that guy survives so can I” way. Cuz life is funny. Things don’t really matter and really aren’t a big deal as long as you have pigeons…

Someone needs to edit this up and give dude a soundtrack….

I do it all for the Crazy Birdman of the Day May 1st, 2010